Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Celebrating Hanukkah... Celebrating Yahshua, Light of the World!


Tonight is the beginning of the 8-day Hanukkah celebration...the Festival of Lights or Feast of Dedication!

John 10:21-23... "Then came Hanukkah in Jerusalem. It was winter, and Yahshua was walking around inside the Temple area, in Solomon's Colonnade."

Although the beginnings of the Hanukkah celebration occurred in the years between the writing of the Old and New Testaments, and it is not a "commanded" feast of YHVH, Yahshua Himself observed this traditional celebration.

It has been a year since I began my blogs chronicling my journey of learning what YHVH says in His Word regarding His appointed times and living in relationship with Him.  I have not been able to write about each of the appointed times, but I did start this blog last year by writing about why I choose to celebrate Hanukkah and not celebrate Christmas.  So if you want to read more about that, look for that blog from December 2009.

Today I just want to point out that this is the beginning of Hanukkah and remind us of several important facts in this life with YHVH:

*YHVH has chosen to make His dwelling place with mankind....and His Temple is an integral part of that.  (see December 10, 2009 blog)

*YHVH has made a way possible for us to dwell in relationship with Him forever...YAHSHUA the Messiah.

*Yahshua is the LIGHT of the world - as is Israel...and we as believers are grafted into Israel - YHVH's chosen people.  (Isaiah 42, 49, 60; Exodus 19:6, Revelation 5:9-10, 20:6)

*The Menorah comes from YHVH's own is a symbol of His holiness and His sovereignty and His eternal presence as Adonai Elohim...our King forever.  It is the only symbol ever given to man that was explicitly and completely designed by YHVH.  
(Exodus 25:31-40; Exodus 37; Leviticus 24:1-4; Numbers 8:1-4; Zechariah 4; Hebrews 9; Revelation 1, 4, 21, 22)

Tonight I will light the first candle on my hanukkiah (lampstand with 9 servant candle and 8 candles to represent the 8 days).  And I will celebrate my Adonai, YHVH, and Yahshua the Messiah!

Holy, holy, holy is Adonai Elohim Ts'va'ot!  Who was and who is and who is to come!
(This is what is written in Hebrew on the above photo.)

May you also experience a time of YHVH's blessing and presence as you celebrate Him!


1 comment:

  1. I found you as I was looking for info about Hanukkah. This will be my first year. I did not do christmas last year. But this year I felt prompted to look at Hanukkah and feel comfortable celebrating it. My grown child think I have went a little batty. Thanks for this and I can't wait to read your other posts.
