This past summer (2014) I had the great opportunity to be in Israel for almost one month as a volunteer with Sar-El!
Operation Protective Edge started just after I arrived, and although I was based most of the time near the Sea of Galilee where there was no ongoing rocket threat, I did spend three weekends in Tel Aviv where there was a very real rocket threat.
And during those two weekends, I experienced first-hand the dependability and accuracy of the Iron Dome, as well as the IDF (not just Israel's military, but more importantly Israel's Divine Father!).
When I returned home, the question I heard more than any other question was:
"weren't you afraid?"
"aren't you glad to be back in America where it's safe?"
"why would you want to go to such a dangerous place?"
or some similar line of questioning.
At first these questions caught me by surprise. I never really thought that I should feel particularly unsafe or that Israel might be a more dangerous place than any other place I've ever lived or visited. After all, I've been there enough times to know my way around and to know to expect the unexpected. My answer was generally "no, I felt quite safe. Perhaps I should have been afraid but am too naive to know any better."
As I began to think about the questions and my typical answer, I wondered if I really was afraid of what could happen to me during my time in Israel but somehow I was just in denial or hiding the truth from myself. After much contemplation (and continued questioning from various people), the answer truthfully is this:
I felt safe and always do feel safe when I am in Israel. Yes, there are rockets (currently almost on a daily if not a monthly basis). Yes, there are terrorist attacks and suicide bombers. Yes, there are instances of violence and crime. Yes, I am a single woman walking around in a Middle Eastern country.
Yes, all of these things are true.
On a quick rabbit-trail/side note - really, where are these things NOT true? I lived in Australia for six years and recently I read the news report that an i s i s plot was discovered and thwarted in Sydney. I currently live a few blocks away from the large downtown area in Oklahoma City that was devastated by terro rism in the federal building bombing years ago. Two years ago, Oklahoma City was named in a study as being among the top 5 US cities for gang-related violence. And I'm sure everyone has seen the recent news report of the "workplace violence" decapitation murder that happened in metro OKC/Moore. It is a violent world everywhere, and according to the Word of Yah it will only get worse before the imminent return of our KING to reign over His Kingdom. Point made ... now I'll move on.
During this particular trip, I knew that I would possibly be in harm's way at times in the form of incoming rockets. Indeed, we could hear them booming unceasingly in the distance at times and seemingly quite close at other times.
During my time there and also later when I was asked by so many people how I felt about the incoming rockets and my own safety, I realized that I was putting much trust in the Iron Dome's ability to shoot down the rockets before they could hit populated areas.
And that is exactly what was happening.
I don't want to make light of the seriousness of the whole situation. People were killed...many thousands were traumatized, and are still, by the constant barrage of rockets and sirens....many were injured when rockets hit "open" areas or by falling shrapnel after an Iron Dome missile did it's job and shot a rocket out of the sky (this is a very real reason for going to a safe room or going inside when one is outside and a warning siren blows!).
The IDF's tally is that in the 50 days of the war, armed groups in G a z a fired over 4,500 projectiles at Israel, and of those fired over 3,600 rocket and mortar impact sites were found in Israel.
Most of the rockets fired at highly populated areas such as Sderot, Ashkelon, Tel Aviv, Beersheva, Jerusalem, etc were intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system.
The Iron Dome just does not miss!
Well, it does on rare occasion, and when it misses, the God of Israel seems to take over!
Have you read the news story about the statement reportedly made by one H a m a s leader saying that they aim their rockets at Israel but Israel's God moves the rockets so that very little harm is done. Another story quotes an IDF Iron Dome operator whose Iron Dome battery failed three times to intercept a rocket coming toward Tel Aviv. At the last second a hugely strong wind (read supernatural) blew the rocket miles away into the sea! (see both accounts here at Israel Today.)
This is a great example of the biblical truth, always true at all times and still true today, of YHVH's faithfulness to His land and His people - Israel, and more importantly His faithfulness to His Word!
During my last weekend in Tel Aviv, one of the Jewish men at the hostel where I was staying told me that the Hebrew word for dome in Iron Dome is actually the word kippah (the small cap many Jewish men wear).
When he told me that, I had an instant mental picture of a colorful knit kippah dome covering all of Israel. It made me smile. Even more, I had an instant sense of real physical and spiritual protection that can only come from the God of Israel.
That mental picture turned to a much more vivid picture after another red alert siren and another intercepted rocket. The picture that came to me was more than just a knit kippah covering the land - it was the Hand of YHVH covering all of Israel and protecting it from the incoming rockets... the same Hand that pushed that one rocket into the sea.
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The artwork from Intercessors for Israel's 2015 International Prayer Conference Jerusalem brochure. Find it at the website: |
When I looked at the artwork on the front of the brochure and the matching theme scripture, I was stunned to see a perfect depiction of what I had experienced - the Hand of YHVH covering His Land in protection, using the Iron Dome to accomplish it in many instances.
The scripture for the IFI gathering for January 2015 was Psalm 3:3 (or 3:4, depending on the version):
You, YHVH, are a Shield for me, my Glory, and the One who lifts up my head.
Here is the same verse in context:
YHVH, how they have increased who trouble me! Many are they who rise up against me. Many are they who say of me, "There is no help for him in God." Selah. But You, O YHVH, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to YHVH with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill. Selah. I lay down and slept; I awoke, for YHVH sustained me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around.I want to focus on one Hebrew word from Psalm 3:3 - the word for shield, which in Hebrew is magen (mah-GEN, with a hard g sound) or .מָגֵן
Psalm 3:1-6
The word magen (Strong's number H4043) used in Psalm 3:3 is also used in many other places in Scripture.
I think it is worthwhile to take a look at some of them to give us a bigger picture of how YHVH truly is the Shield over His people Israel!
Genesis 15:1 - I am your Shield - Anochi Magen
After these events the word of יהוה came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your Shield, your reward is exceedingly great.”
Deuteronomy 33:26-29 - The Shield of your help - Magen ezrecha
“O Yeshurun, there is no one like El, riding the heavens to help you, and on the clouds, in His excellency. The Elohim of old is a refuge, and beneath are everlasting arms. And He drives out the enemy from before you and says, ‘Destroy!’
Thus Israel dwells in safety, the fountain of Jacob alone, in a land of grain and new wine. His heavens also drop down dew.
Blessed are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by יהוה, the Shield of your help, and He who is the sword of your excellency! And your enemies are subdued for you, and you tread down their high places.”
Psalm 18:1-3, 30-35 - My Shield - Magini
I love You, O יהוה, My strength. יהוה is my rock and my stronghold and my deliverer; My El is my rock, I take refuge in Him; My Shield and the horn of my deliverance, my high tower.
I call upon יהוה, the One to be praised, And I am saved from my enemies....
The El – His way is perfect; The Word of יהוה is proven; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. For who is Eloah, besides יהוה? And who is a rock, except our Elohim?
It is El who girds me with strength, And makes my way perfect, making my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on my high places, teaching my hands for battle, so that my arms shall bend a bow of bronze.
And You give me the shield of Your deliverance; and Your right hand supports me, and Your lowliness makes me great.
Psalm 28:7-9 - YHVH is my strength and my shield - YHVH uzi u Magini
יהוה is my strength, and my shield; My heart has trusted in Him, and I have been helped; Therefore my heart exults, And with my song I thank Him.
יהוה is the strength of His people, And He is the stronghold of deliverance of His anointed.
Save Your people, and bless Your inheritance; And be their Shepherd, and bear them up forever.
Psalm 33:10-12, 20-22 - Our help and our shield - Ezrenu u Magenu
יהוה brings the counsel of the nations to naught; He thwarts the plans of the peoples.
The counsel of יהוה stands forever, The plans of His heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose Elohim is יהוה, The people whom He has chosen as His own inheritance....
Our being has longed for יהוה; Our help and our shield is He. For our heart does rejoice in Him, For we have put our trust in His set-apart Name. Let Your kindness, O יהוה, be upon us, Even as we wait for You.
Psalm 84:9-12 - YHVH Elohim is a sun and a shield - Shemesh u Magen YHVH Elohim
O Elohim, see our shield, and look upon the face of Your anointed.
For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand days. I have chosen rather to be a doorkeeper in the House of my Elohim, than to dwell in the tents of the wrong.
For יהוה Elohim is a sun and a shield; יהוה gives favour and esteem; He withholds no good matter from those who walk blamelessly.
O יהוה of hosts, Blessed is the man who trusts in You!
Psalm 89:18
For יהוה is our shield, And the Holy One of Israel is our King.
Psalm 115:9-11
O Israel, trust in יהוה; He is their help and their shield.
O house of Aaron, trust in יהוה; He is their help and their shield.
You who fear יהוה, trust in יהוה; He is their help and their shield.
Psalm 144:1-2
Blessed be יהוה my Rock, Who is teaching my hands for fighting, My fingers for battle;
My kindness and my stronghold, My tower and my deliverer, My shield, and in whom I take refuge, Who is subduing peoples under me.
Proverbs 2:6-8
For יהוה gives wisdom; Out of His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
And He treasures up stability for the straight, A shield to those walking blamelessly,
To watch over the paths of right-ruling, And the way of His kind ones He guards.
Proverbs 30:4-6
Who has gone up to the heavens and come down? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, And what is His Son’s Name, If you know it?
Every Word of Eloah is tried; He is a shield to those taking refuge in Him.
Do not add to His Words, Lest He reprove you, and you be found a liar.
I'm sure a couple of questions come up in many people's minds after reading these scriptures...
"How can God protect a nation that is not redeemed and for the most part not living according to His Word?
How can anyone believe that God would protect modern Israel when most of the people living in modern Israel currently reject His Messiah Yahshua?"
The reason I am sure that these questions come up is because I have heard them asked many times.
Let me just say that we must trust in the "I will"s - we must trust in His Word, which says time and again that YHVH will not forsake His covenant with His people Israel or their land - His inheritance. He will take His people Israel from all the nations where He has scattered them and bring them back into their own land. He will be faithful to bring His own people to salvation, and He will protect them as their Shield, He will replace their hearts of stone with hearts of flesh. They will be His people and He will be their God!
This is being played out physically in the modern nation of Israel every day. It is also being played out spiritually in ways that we might not see so well right now, but all will be made very clear!
His Word has come to pass, is coming to pass, and will completely come to pass!
Another side note: If you are one who asked the above questions, perhaps it is not the Word of God that needs to be questioned. Perhaps instead it is your understanding of the the Truth of the Word of God, the message of the Word of God, that needs to change. Perhaps you are like I was not long ago...perhaps YHVH is putting His people and land of inheritance - Israel - directly in your path to get your attention and to confront you with His Truth, His Messiah, His Salvation as revealed in His Word (rather than what is "revealed" through the interpretations of man and religion).
If reading scriptures regarding God's love and faithfulness to Israel is confronting to you, look deeper for the reason. Ask Him to show you His Truth. He is faithful to those who seek His Truth!
Coming back now full-circle to the beginning - my experience in Israel during the war between and Israel and Ha mas in Ga za ...
As I began to read more of the scriptures regarding YHVH as Israel's Magen, the more I realized why it is that I feel so much Shalom, so much peace about being in Israel... why it is that I feel safe and protected there.
Sure, the Iron Dome might have a significant part to play in physical safety against rocket attacks. But what is even more true is that I put my trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - the God of Israel - and in the Arm/Hand of God, His Messiah Yahshua, His Salvation.
He is Israel's Divine Father (IDF) and I trust Him completely for my physical safety, my emotional security, my eternal destiny!
One final side note...That does not mean that I do stupid things to "test" His protection. It also does not mean that I am guaranteed that nothing bad will ever happen to me when I travel to Israel, or anywhere else. But if something does happen to me that falls into most people's perception of "something bad", even then I will trust completely in the God of Israel and in His unfailing and ever-faithful Word!
I want to end this particular blog post with a portion from Ezekiel 36...
Then you shall know that I am the LORD.
Yes, I will cause men to walk on you [speaking to the land], My people Israel; they shall take possession of you, and you shall be their inheritance. ”
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. “I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.
Then you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; you shall be My people, and I will be your God. ”
Thank you Abba that You are Israel's Shield and that Your Word is always and forever true and faithful!
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